Friday, December 31, 2010
The Year in Review
January: Bobby and I rang in the New Year with family and friends and then a few days later found ourselves at the IU Med Center in Indianapolis. In late 2009, my dad was diagnosed with cancer and had surgery at the beginning of the year. The surgery was a success! and his follow-up appointments have gone well. Bobby was great and stayed with my mom and I and then drove my dad home in a horrible snow storm. That night we were so tired, we both practically collapsed in bed. Just as Bobby drifted off to sleep, he yelled out, "BUMP!" and jerked the whole bed.
April: Bobby and I celebrated our first anniversary! Marriage is tough and it is a lot of work but it's worth it. Bobby is a great husband and takes good care of me.
After several months of rotating partners at work Josh was TDY'd to Medic 12 for the month of April. He then decided to stay another month, then another and finally said he would stay and be my permanent partner. I am very fortunate that I have someone that I can rely on that not only has excellent patient care skills but is someone that I can be myself around. It makes for a very looooonnnnnggggg day when you're working with someone that is difficult to get along with. I have had the opportunity to get to know his wonderful family and consider them an important part of our lives.
May: I graduated!!! It's official, I am a college graduate! I graduated from IUSB with a BA in History and a minor in Anthropology. Bobby, my parents and grandmother all attended the ceremony and saw me walk across the stage- what a great feeling!
June: Bobby and I headed to Florida for a quick, 4-day trip to visit Jen and her kids. Ryan, Jens hubby and proud soldier in the US Army, was stationed in Germany and she and the kiddos were following shortly. I medicated my husband for his first flight and we arrived in St. Pete where I had a surprise for him: a convertible. Well, somehow the car rental people saw me coming because the offered us a 2009, yellow, Corvette convertible, at an affordable price, of course. It was a great time and we got to see Jen and the kids just before they left.
July: Bobby and I took our annual summer vacation at the lake and this year decided to take on the project of painting the cottage. It was a long process and there are still some things left to be finished but it looks GREAT!
It was a Hertel/Price fun night in July when we ended up in the ER with my dad and Bobby. Bobby broke his toe and dad had to be cardioverted because of A-Fib. I was back and forth between both rooms all night. Talk about an evening of fun...
September: After many wonderful, relaxing days and nights at the lake it was time to bring our summer to a close. The pier was taken out, the water turned off and leaves were raked ending another great summer.
November: Bobby went on disability after his shoulder surgery. The doctor said that it was not as bad as he thought initially so instead of 6 months, he should only be out of work for 3 months.
December: Christmas came and went and I finally found my Christmas Spirit! Bobby decorated the house and put up a little tree in hopes of helping me find it and it worked. He's a great guy!
I am excited about this coming year. To all my friends and family, may you have a healthy, safe and happy 2011. Please be safe tonight and use a designated driver- it's not worth the risk.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Funny thing happened the day after I made my last post: I last posted about how I was just unable to get into the Christmas Spirit and didn't even have any Christmas decorations up at the house. Now, mind you, Bobby does not read my blog... When I got home that next morning Bobby had spent most of the night decorating the house. He took the skinny tree and pulled out all my old childhood decorations and decorated it. It was a nice surprise! He is so thoughtful- he said he did it just to try to get me into the spirit of the holidays. I am a very, very lucky girl!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Bobby had shoulder surgery November 4, and is recovering quite well. The doctor said that his rotater cuff looks great and there was not major repair work that needed to be done. He's out of work until the first of February and in therapy twice a week to regain his strength. But, he's soooooo ready to go back to work. I think he's bored at home- no, I know he's bored at home.
Christmas has come and this year I am a Grinch! Sad, but true. Usually I am singing Christmas carols right after Halloween but for some reason... nothing. We didn't get a tree and I didn't put any of our Christmas decorations. I think the main reason is that this year I have to work on Christmas Eve and that's when the family celebrates.
I have been sick over the past few days. Last Sunday I hurt my back and had trouble getting around. Then I began feeling sick and, after several months of being pain free in my neck, I began having horrible pain and throbbing headaches. I had to miss the (big) Willis-Temple Christmas (which is always a blast because everyone is there and even Santa comes!) because I was so sick and hurting.
I came back to work today and it started off rough- I was very sick. But as the day has gone on, I have been feeling much better. Bobby even stopped by with a surprise from Paisano's, the lemon tort with kiwi sauce- my fave!! It was really thoughtful of him.
I am going to try to post more frequently. I always say that but I really want to try this time, even thought we don't do much in the winter.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Straight No Chaser
Sent from my iPhone
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
There's Just Something About A Fall Night
As I looked through the trees above, it looked like I could see almost every star in the clear night sky. The lake was calm, reflecting like glass the house lights from the other side of the lake with the occasional light from a rotating lighthouse across the way. The air was cool- crisp, reminding me that summer has gone and fall is here to stay. The buzzing insects also welcomed the fall with their chirps and noises, drowned out for a brief moment by the howls of a nearby coyote pack. A large, low half-moon appeared just over the trees, deceiving, almost like it was close enough to touch.
All too often we go through life without appreciating the beauty around us. I am thankful I have a place where I can stop to enjoy life- a place where I have peace. I am so thankful that my grandparents found this place so many years ago, and that my parents allow us to use it as much as we do. I appreciate the hard work and sacrifices that have been made so that we can take time here- thank you.
Sent from my iPhone
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Nine Years Later
I woke up that morning and went to the Miller's to babysit since I didn't have classes that day. The baby was still asleep and I had dozed off on the couch when my mom called my cell phone. She asked if I was watching TV. No, I responded. After I turned it on, I just sat there in disbelief. Was this some joke, like a modern day "War of the Worlds" broadcast that had caused so much panic decades ago? No, this was reality. We just sat on the phone together in disbelief, neither of us needed to speak. We both understood the tragedy that we were watching unfold before us.
I watched the newscasters replay the video if the first plane as it flew into the first tower. Then, in astonishment, the world watched as the second plane flew into the other tower. How could this be happening to us- to US?!
As the world was watching the smoke and flames, the cameras were filled with crying, screaming people running for their lives in a dusty, hazy New York City. An unimaginable panic filled those surrounded by the terror that day. As the brave members of FDNY were entering the towers to usher people to safety, they had to dodge panic stricken people who chose to risk jumping from such great heights rather than deal with the flames, smoke and unearthly hot temperatures of the burning jet fuel.
I watched as the first, then second towers fell. In disbelief I sat on the floor in the living room and cried. I cried for the families, for the victims, for myself- because I knew that the world as I had known it would be forever changed, war would be inevitable.
By the end of the day, two more planes had crashed. One into the Pentagon, the other in a field in Pennsylvania. The brave passengers, knowing their fate, decided that they would not go quietly and attempted to overtake the hijackers. They unknowingly saved hundreds, possibly thousands, of lives. Heroes.
When I think of that day, I still find it hard to believe that it happened. It feels like a dream- I wish it was. Thousands of people died, families forever changed because of the hatred of an organization that desired to see the demise of the United States and all her people.
Soon, the media pulled the footage of the plane crashes off of the television. Our soldiers went to war to defend our honor and initially received the support of all Americans. Soon, people forgot and our soldiers, still fighting for us, were drawn into the middle of a political game and have since received the brunt of Americans anger toward the situation.
America lost some of her innocence that day. It is something that we can never get back, but it is our duty to remember those that were killed in that violent terror attacks on American soil and those that have died protecting our freedoms since then. Never forget. Never forget. Never forget. God Bless America.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Thank Goodness for the Mishawaka Police!
About 4 years ago someone tried to break into my house while I was home, sometime after midnight. For a long time I was scared to be home alone- until Bobby.
Tonight, after he had gone to bed I was sitting at the table in the dining room- doing what you might ask?- FACEBOOK. Well suddenly I heard the screeching noise of the screen door on the back door opening. Oh My Goodness! To say I was scared would be an understatement. I ran into the bedroom, flung myself on the bed and scared the crap out of Bobby, waking him up out of a dead sleep. And to wake up to that- he didn't know what was going on and I couldn't form the words to tell him.
He got up and had to tell me to call the police. Then I couldn't find the phone- are you getting how much of a mess I was? Crazy! So the fine officers of the Mishawaka police dept came out and they were here quickly. They didn't find anything except that the door wasn't latched. So now I'm here in bed, still jacked up, trying to calm down and listening to Bobby snore. Urgh! I wish I could sleep.
Friday, August 6, 2010
I Will Take Two Tylenol and a Heating Pad Please

So, here is the before. We had already power washed the front- that's why there is some paint missing.
And this is what it looks like now (at least the back):

Also this morning another first- Bobby and I saw a juvenile Muskie under the pier. This is a hybrid fish that is stocked in the lake. It was about 8 inches long, brown with spotted fins and more square than a bass. This is interesting because it was thought that the only ones left in the lake were between 45-60 inches long- yep, no joke. It's a big fish. Someone must have stocked the lake recently since this fish does not breed and this one is the smallest I have ever seen. - At least I thought it was neat.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
3 Years Since the First Beer
August is a special month for us. Our beers, the Perseide shower on the 12th at Lake Michigan and Mojito night (ask me sometime why I can't drink them anymore- Yuck!) are all memorable events that happened in our relationship. It's funny how a single event can change our entire lives. Love is something that happens when you are not looking for it. And I will never say this again, but, I'm glad Bobby didn't listen to my advice 3 years ago. If he had, our lives would be completely different and I can't imagine my life without him.
Friday, July 30, 2010
What Happened to July???
After we were in the emergency room with Bobby's toe injury, he was off work for a round (3 days no work), lucky him. Then we were both on vacation for 13 days (one of the several perks to our schedule- take off 3 work days and get 13 days off).
we had planned to spend the vacation at the lake painting the cottage. I know, it really doesn't sound like much fun but we were both really excited to do something different to the cottage. We decided (with the ok of my parents) to paint the cottage yellow with white trim and red shutters. (I will post pics soon) It is VERY cute (even though it's not done). Oh yeah, nothing seemed to go right. The power washer didn't take off as much old stuff as planned so we had to scrape A LOT. Then we found several trim boards that were rotten. So those had to come off and be replaced. And I can't forget the high humidity and several days of rain, so we had to wait for the house to dry before we could paint.
Once we started painting it went really quickly. We bought a paint sprayer and it was AMAZING!!! Anyway, the house is really cute and not white any more (it has been white for as long as I can remember).
Oh, and then there was the other emergency room visit to Three Rivers ER because Bobby was having problems with his right leg- broken toe leg. I was worried and made him get it checked. I think I am going to write a book about Michiana ER's, eh, maybe it will just be a picture book.
On a sad note, today we attended a funeral of a longtime family friend of both our families. John was a great man who was caring and always had a joke to tell. He will be greatly missed.
p.s. This was the first lunchon/wake that I have attended that had an open bar. He would have loved it.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Update on the Toe
Monday, July 12, 2010
A Weekend of Injuries
Later that night while Casey, Phil, Bobby and I were playing a game, Bobby got up to get another beer and stubbed his toe on the chair. Now, to many this may not sound like a big deal, however he was in A LOT of pain- A LOT!
Saturday we had taken Casey and Phil tubing and Casey fell off, cutting her nose on some part of the tube. Well, that was the end of that for the day. When we returned to the lake house, I walked into the house to find my dad sitting at the table looking very uncomfortable. When I asked what was wrong he said he felt dizzy, lightheaded and just didn't feel well. I took his pulse, which was abnormally irregular, and then his blood pressure, which was low. I advised him, in my paramedic voice, that I felt he should go to the ER because this was not normal for him. (My dad is a pretty healthy guy and never admits when he is not feeling well.)
After a few hours his pulse was still irregular and his blood pressure was still low and I finally convinced him to go to the hospital. And at this point Bobby decided he should go too since he couldn't walk anymore. We drove back to the hospital in Mishawaka (there was no convincing either of them to go to the one in town) and, dad went to room 11 while Bobby went to room 8. Talk about a circus going from room to room.
The doctor saw dad right away and he was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation. He was sedated with Diprivan and Cardioverted (more or less shocked with a defibrillator) at 100 joules. His rhythm was converted and when he woke he said he felt much better. They sent him home that night and he still says he feels great.
Bobby on the other hand was diagnosed with a broken toe, it may not sound like a big deal, but he will be off work for a few days and has an appointment with the foot doctor tomorrow.
So, Casey's nose stopped bleeding, dads heart is back to normal, Bobby is limping around in a soft cast/boot and I am still having my goofy chest pain. I called in sick to work yesterday because I still had very limited motion- for the most part I have pain any time I move. However I had forgotten that I promised to work for someone today so I had to come in for the first 14 and then back again tomorrow. Hopefully I will be feeling better and able to move/breathe without being in pain.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Happy 4th of July!
So here is a quick history lesson (from the history major in me): April 19, 1775, the day after Paul Revere's ride, alerting Lexington that "the British are coming!" war between the colonies began against Great Britain. After years of taxation without representation the colonists were tired of being ruled by someone that didn't understand their circumstances and didn't want to listen.
On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, drafted by five of its members, including Thomas Jefferson. Boys, and men, were quick to sign up to fight against Britain throughout the colonies. Many signed up for the excitement of the fight, some for the thought of travel and seeing other parts of the country and some because they believed in the cries of freedom.
My 7th-great-grandfather, Zaccheus Salyer, was one of the many boys that decided to join in the fight. He and many others mustered in New York to aid the other Americans against Great Britain. He survived the war and later married Elizabeth Doan(Doane) and they had 13 children.
I am very proud to know that I am a descendant of someone that fought for our independence. I know that many men were not as lucky as Zaccheus and gave their lives for the cause of freedom. America is a great country and we are very fortunate to live in a place like this. As we celebrate today with food and fireworks, we should all take a minute to remember those that have given everything to obtain and protect our liberties. God Bless America!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
A 4-day of Fun
Jen and I have been friends since Cornerstone University, which dates back to 2000. We had an interesting relationship and became friend easily. Over the years we have kept in contact, I was her maid of honor, she was my matron of honor and here and there we have kept in contact through facebook and phone calls.
I am very excited that she and the kids get to be with Ryan but I wanted to be sure I could see her and Caelyn and meet Eli before they left. So we boarded a 6:30 flight from South Bend and made our way to Fort Myers. You've gotta love a place that has turtle crossings!

Saturday we met Jen for a quick lunch since she was working and (as luck would have it) got a
Sunday we hit the beach and in the morning

Monday we met Jen and the kids at the beach and spent some time playing in the sand and looking for shells. Bobby and I bought
In the afternoon, we met Jen in and the
Tuesday it was time to leave so Jen and the kids met us at the airport for lunch and our traditional airport picture. Very bittersweet, like always I cried. I forgot that I had a card for her until after we had already gone through security- Bobby said send it to her but I just couldn't do that. I must have been a mess- eyes red and cheeks puffy from crying, nose running, and the very nice TSA guy said he would take it to her since the plane was supposed to board soon and the line for security had gotten really long. I thought it was very nice of him.
So we made it home in one piece. I didn't leave Bobby in the lost and found at any of the airports and he didn't push me out of the moving car. Win- win! It was a good trip and I actually got him to say that if Jen and the kids are still here in 6 months we could go back. Wouldn't that be fun!?! Not likely though.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Are You a Princess?

I found this today as I was searching Blogs. My Soapbox.
Interesting... (sorry Theresa) Is this what we teach our daughters? As a child I never thought about Disney movies in this way but I know these movies did influence the way I understood dating/relationships- more so that boys wanted a perfect, beautiful (servant?) "girl" that would change to fit their needs. I am very lucky that I found my "prince" and he accepts me with all my flaws (and I mean ALL). I believe that it is important the young women (girls) of today see good examples of successful women and examples of how we are supposed to be treated by others- as equals.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Ummm, I think I'll Pass- Thanks
Let me tell you: nothing can be as discouraging as trying on clothes to find something that not only fits but also fits the budget. I went to Kohl's today and saw a shirt that was $40.00. To some that may seem reasonable EXCEPT: it was so thin I could see the clothing racks through it when I held it up to get a better look. Lets just say that one found it's way back to the rack without a second thought.
After my ordeal at the department stores, I figured my blood pressure was high enough and I should go donate blood, so I did. There seems to be a shortage of donors so if you are able- GO DONATE!! Someday you might be the one that needs it, so give when you can.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Another great weekend
Thursday we invited our co-workers to spend the day at the lake. I had so much fun!! (I think the kids might have had a good time too) Bobby took the kids tubing, the jet ski was out and Goodman and Lisa even fished. It was fun, we are going to have to do it again before the summer is over.
Today my parents came up and spent the afternoon with us. Dad, Bobby and I fished at the end of the pier and, for once, I did not take home the prize for the largest catch. Dad ended up with an amazing 22 fish! I had 4, including a super small Rock Bass and, well, Bobby didn't catch anything. :-( Oh well, there's always next time. Sorry Bobby- shouldn't have been so obsessed with catching the catfish under the pier. But thank you oh great and wonderful husband for, not only taking my fish off the hook but also putting the worm on so I did not feel guilty about killing it. But for future reference the red wigglers that my dad used today worked much better than the night crawlers we were using. 22 to 4, need I say anything else?
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Don't Feel Bad about Eating the Tots- It's Their Destiny
Anyway, today was supposed to be a work day at the lake, and there is a storm front hanging around IL, so I'm not too excited about going up there to work in the rain. If I have it my way- nap! then maybe (if the weather is OK) some work. To my advantage, I am sitting at the table and I can hear Bobby snoring on the couch, so now is the time if I want to catch a few.
Work has been interesting lately. Yesterday we had a kid tripping on some shrooms; yes shrooms. I'm not sure why someone would knowingly put themselves into that state. I'm sure this person wasn't having too much fun in the ambulance and it looked like they had eaten some grass before we got there. Why would you do that to yourself? Yummmm grass...
I learned yesterday that my girlfriend Jen will be moving to Germany to be with her husband who was recently stationed there. Bummer :-( but good for her. Maybe that's my excuse to travel Europe- Hey Bobby, I'm going to meet Jen in Paris for the weekend, be back soon! Don't think that would go over too well.
This year is my 10 year reunion- 10 YEARS! Oh my! I can't believe it has been 10 years- sometimes I still see myself as that high school graduate and wonder, what-in-the-heck-am-I-doing?!? or how-did-I-end-up-here!?! I always thought I would be excited about my reunion, but- I'm not, and I don't think we are going. Initially it was $80 per person for a Friday night pub crawl (oh that's what I want to do in South Bend on a Friday night) and a dinner on Saturday at St. Hedwig. I think I'll save my $160 and spend it on something special for me- camera lens maybe? ??? And now with Facebook it's not like I don't keep up with the people I graduated with- Is it really Facebook stalking if they accepted your friend request and you just keep up on their postings? Just wondering!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Our Piece of Heaven
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Back Again
At the beginning of the year Bobby's fire department merged with a neighboring one, something that had been in the making for several years. He stayed at the Anderson Rd station and is the captain on the engine. He enjoys the station which has affectionately been name "Flat Spot 5's."
I was fortunate to receive a "promotion" at the beginning of the year (it's difficult to explain but it's not really a promotion) when my LT went to Medic 10. I was supposed to be one of the float rigs, changing partners every month, but the Intermediate that was sent out here in April decided to stay and is now my permanent partner.
Bobby and I celebrated our first anniversary. He bought me a BEAUTIFUL necklace and we went to dinner at Clementines in St. Joe, MI. Unfortunately it was too cold to walk on the beach so we just went and looked at it from the car.
This is definitely going to be a great summer. I can't wait to spend time at the lake, floating, boating and sitting around the camp fire. Hopefully I can be a good blogger and keep everyone updated on the Hertel-Price family... We'll see...