Monday, December 20, 2010


My mother keeps wanting an updated blog, so here goes:

Bobby had shoulder surgery November 4, and is recovering quite well. The doctor said that his rotater cuff looks great and there was not major repair work that needed to be done. He's out of work until the first of February and in therapy twice a week to regain his strength. But, he's soooooo ready to go back to work. I think he's bored at home- no, I know he's bored at home.

Christmas has come and this year I am a Grinch! Sad, but true. Usually I am singing Christmas carols right after Halloween but for some reason... nothing. We didn't get a tree and I didn't put any of our Christmas decorations. I think the main reason is that this year I have to work on Christmas Eve and that's when the family celebrates.

I have been sick over the past few days. Last Sunday I hurt my back and had trouble getting around. Then I began feeling sick and, after several months of being pain free in my neck, I began having horrible pain and throbbing headaches. I had to miss the (big) Willis-Temple Christmas (which is always a blast because everyone is there and even Santa comes!) because I was so sick and hurting.

I came back to work today and it started off rough- I was very sick. But as the day has gone on, I have been feeling much better. Bobby even stopped by with a surprise from Paisano's, the lemon tort with kiwi sauce- my fave!! It was really thoughtful of him.

I am going to try to post more frequently. I always say that but I really want to try this time, even thought we don't do much in the winter.


  1. I feel ya on the whole "not finding the time" issue. I hope you get to feeling better...and I am soo sad that you wont be able to there for Christmas eve :( Makes me not want to go with out you..... And def. bonus points for Bobby and the dessert! YUMMMOOOO!!

  2. I could come sing you some Christmas carols... but you know how well I sing... might not have the desired affect.

    Hope you guys have a very Merry Christmas!

    (Boo for working Christmas Eve! I am not going to miss that at all this year!)
