Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Thank Goodness for the Mishawaka Police!

Thank Goodness for Mishawaka Police!

About 4 years ago someone tried to break into my house while I was home, sometime after midnight. For a long time I was scared to be home alone- until Bobby.

Tonight, after he had gone to bed I was sitting at the table in the dining room- doing what you might ask?- FACEBOOK. Well suddenly I heard the screeching noise of the screen door on the back door opening. Oh My Goodness! To say I was scared would be an understatement. I ran into the bedroom, flung myself on the bed and scared the crap out of Bobby, waking him up out of a dead sleep. And to wake up to that- he didn't know what was going on and I couldn't form the words to tell him.

He got up and had to tell me to call the police. Then I couldn't find the phone- are you getting how much of a mess I was? Crazy! So the fine officers of the Mishawaka police dept came out and they were here quickly. They didn't find anything except that the door wasn't latched. So now I'm here in bed, still jacked up, trying to calm down and listening to Bobby snore. Urgh! I wish I could sleep.

1 comment:

  1. That is always a scary feeling. I am glad that they only found that the screen door wasn't latched. Miss you.
