Monday, January 17, 2011

Someone Call a Doctor, I Think I've Gone Crazy!

Well, I did it. Tonight after dinner I signed up for my first race, the Sunburst half marathon. I have always wanted to run a marathon but every time I start to train I feel as though the goal is too large, get discouraged and quit my training. But now I have a goal, I've paid an entrance fee and I have 19 weeks to train for this little "jog" around the city. My friend Sarah has been kind enough to sign up with me so I am not completely crazy alone.

You might be wondering, why a half marathon? Why not a 5k, or a 10k? Well, because I think I can do it. I believe that if I put my mind to it, I will achieve this goal. And it's all mind over matter, right? I have 19 weeks, 19!, and, as of the 18th, 137 days to prepare myself. I can do it!

1 comment:

  1. That is so exciting and I know you will have a blast. I am here cheering for you. I sure do miss you. Love ya
